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This is a note from when I was taking humanity class 101 in Orange Coast College. It is about chapter 1 and 2, Greek religion, society, and culture. I remember that was one of the interesting chapters of humanity. My favorite part of Greek is that they were being nice not to make god angry. It is similar to Japanese wisdom, do not do bad things otherwise, you would be punished by gods. Another exciting thing of Greek is that gods were alike to humans. Each god had unique characteristics and gods had a lot of conflicts that made disasters. 

One of the skills I could obtain from taking notes is organizing information.

This would be helpful when I study for tests and try to remember important details. That is because I convert complex and a huge amounts of information into compact and simplified with my own words. Because of this, taking notes may enhance creativity as well. Moreover, since I sort out important content, it is required critical thinking too. It is good for not only when I review but also a practice of creativity and critical thinking.

In my view, the skills that can be trained by taking notes would be helpful in the future, especially at work. I used to work as an office worker. At that time, I had a lot of tasks on my plate to do given by my boss. However, I could deal with them because I was taking notes and grasping them even complicated ones by simplifying what my boss said in my way. In this case, taking notes is an essential habit to cope with numerous tasks efficiently. 

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